Victoria Martinez

Argentinean Birds

Noon Christmas Eve
Walking with my family
Blazing heat consumes us.

Two fluttery birds
Energetically fly,
Locked in cage of steel

Colors worthy of
The world’s tropical forests -
Bought and taken home

Happiness of child
New friends introduced in life
Forced to play with me

Nanny and I stare
Filled with disgust at the pen
Sparkly clean, we’re done.

All day with happy chirps
High-pitched and rarely stopping
Need of food and water

Never ending hope
They stare at beauty of sky
Sight blinded by bars

And two days later
The clearly cleaned coop is
Dirty again. Ugh -

Nanny chose to help
And release me from washing
Bird escaped, mistake

More room in the cell
Energetically flying
With an empty heart

Reflecting on action
Flooded with disappointment
Called to daily bath.
Tweet-Tweet goes ONE bird
Is given food and water
Continues, Tweet-Tweet

Lower notes in voice
Me, oblivious to bird’s
Loneliness in void

Silence swallowed me
Something missing in my life …
Noiseless jail in den

Despair rushed through me
My last bird was gone from its
Sound sanctuary

Suspicion aroused
I searched the house for my mom-
All instincts alert

She sat there tranquil
Claiming not to know a thing
About incident

I accused her of
Liberating the last bird.
She clothed in denial

Pleaded, it escaped
While food was being placed in cage
Lies, lies, and more lies

The guilt dawned on her
Confessed to letting it go
But eight years had passed.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.