David Wang


Tousled hair
Disorderly state
Can't you tell?
I'm in a rush-
No obnoxious beep
I slept right through
Thanks to my alarm clock
I'm in a rush-
Dropped my glasses, Ouch! I
Bumped my knee but
That doesn’t matter
I'm in a rush-
Biology binder
History notebook
Necessities go missing when
I’m in a rush-
Whip on my sweater
My head is stuck, but
I can't stop now 'cause
I'm in a rush-
Now where did I put
My blue ink pen?
I must leave it
I'm in a rush-
Forgot my Velcro watch
It's still upstairs
No time to get it
I'm in a rush-
Where is my wallet?
I put it here yesterday
Time’s running out, and
I’m in a rush-
Grabbed my lunch
The OJ had leaked so
The bag ripped apart but
I'm in a rush-
Got in the car and wham!
Slammed the door shut
No speed limit exists when
I'm in a rush-
Why am I stuck
Behind an old lady?
Fate serves me well when
I'm in a rush-
Can't park the car I
Can't find a space
What will I do-
I'm almost late!
Out of breath and
Running to class
Maybe I’ll make it because
I’m in a rush-
Round the corner the
Classroom I approach
Why are there people
Crowding the door?
Got locked out
The clock is ticking!
Where is the teacher?
Late, I suppose.
But I am not late,
I am on time.
My crazy fast rush suddenly
A breath of relief
A sigh of comfort
This day shall be fine I
Can already tell.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.