Hilary B.


Your resistance to existence is a sign that you are ill.
Your devotion to emotion can be fixed with this small pill.
This here on the left means you undoubtedly have cancer.
Stay a night, we’ll do some tests, and then give you an answer.
In what we saw your fatal flaws are numbered very high.
Don’t ask questions, do not wonder, especially not why.

We diagnose with this huge dose a terrible disease.
Just take it twice and you will feel remarkably at ease.
Addicted now? We don’t know how, maybe you should try
Some herbal tea or therapy or paintings of the sky.
Don’t point the blame at us, poor fool, for we did nothing wrong.
Just remember who was there for you and remember for how long.
We helped you through, we thought we knew, but now we seem to feel
That a pinch of this, a sip of that, and you will quickly heal.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.