Joshua Basseches

Waves of Confusion

What’s going on around you?
You just don’t know
So lost, so much confusion
You feel it in waves, crashing on shore
Crushing your understanding, muting your thoughts
You see them coming, but nothing can prepare you for the impact of the hit
The first one is just a warning, a wake up call for the chaos that is to come
You know the big one’s coming, you see it, like a cement wall closing in on your mind But there’s nothing you can do
It’s out of your control
You brace yourself
Here it comes, ready to wash you away
Chills run down your body, resentment invades your brain

Crash!  It’s here!
It pulls you down with it, like nothing you’d expect
Your head goes numb as it slams the sharp rocks

Your mind slows down, but the world around you is moving faster than ever
You hear it, but you are no longer a part of it
For a moment, everything has changed
Your only comfort is the knowledge that the wave will soon retreat


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.