Kai Harris

The Taxi

Behind brick and stone walls,
The taxi cab emerges
And darts through a cloud of smoke.
The businessman sprints through the door.
He searches the horizon.
The taxi cab is nowhere to be found.
Down an empty street cruises the shadow of the taxi.
It is unnoticed in the darkness.
Before it emerges onto the road.
A man crossing the street is startled.
As the yellow and black taxi rushes by.
The man continues on.
Then the meeting begins.
Their minds race wildly,
Through the dim morning traffic.
The taxi appears
Swift and powerful.
It outclasses the others
With its speed.
As the taxi weaves through,
The sprinter emerges victorious.
He is on his way to glory.
The preparations have been made.
The sliding doors are open,
And the taxi begins its afternoon shift.
But errands must be run.
The family crowds in,
And the taxi is held up
By evening traffic.
A bus crosses the path
Of the taxi,
As the office lights grow dim.
Yet as the river flows,
The taxi cannot stop.
But it knows not how to proceed
In the eleventh hour.
Now the day is done,
And a dead end appears.
The taxi must drive back
To the beginning.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.