Yu Lin

My Sister

My sister Kathy is so big now.
Look how much she has grown!
She is still two years old,
But I still remember the day that she was born
As if it was yesterday.

It was a Tuesday
I think that my mom and dad brought her home.
After school that day,
I came home with a call from the hospital,
disappointed that I couldn’t be there to see a life from a miracle.

Wow, I’m a big brother now,
Wondering how am I going to be there for my little sister.
I feel hope and happiness whenever I see her,
and grateful that I will have someone to grow old with together.
The feeling is profound.

With great agitation and desire,
I held the baby in my own hands.
She was always dreaming in her silent sleep,
curled up in my arms as soft as a bag of sand.
Resting peacefully as she slept and never ever attempted to weep.

She slept and ate and slept and ate and again fell asleep.
It was a life changing day
for me and my family in a life lasting way.
I am so glad that she arrived in this world here,
and I hope that she will walk behind each of my footsteps.


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