Lan W.

The Serpent

Serpent, you're slithering so slyly on the ground.
Where, in what world, would you be found?
More tricky than tricksters,
Less promising than pilferers,
Why would such a fearful creature ever exist?
Could there be more poison in your green skin
Than a gallon of poison stored in a bin?
How much toxin is hiding secretly in your tongue?
What menacing air do you breathe through your lungs?
Why would such a fearful creature ever exist?
What dreadful element's contained in your fang?
More violent and dangerous than a street gang?
What's found in your sharp needle eyes?
Do they contain honesty or lies?
Why would such a fearful creature ever exist?
Are you the one that gave us a scare
When you looked at us in the eye and gave us a glare?
Are you that creature that caused great din
When you tricked Eve and released people's sin?
Why should such a fearful creature ever exist?


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.