Elise J.

Santa Is Coming?

Dearest Santa,

I write to you today to find out if what they say is true. Last year I asked you for my favorite book and you gave it to me. I put gingersnaps on my fireplace and crumbs were the only thing left. Your picture is on the Coke cans during December and may I say your not thhhaaatt fat. Also you have starred in my favorite movie,"Elf."  A couple days ago my father told me you were not real.

I said to him,  “You must be kidding! What do you mean, he’s not real?”

Then dad asked me, “How do you think any one man can ride on a sleigh with flying reindeer and deliver presents to all the children in the world in one night? Do you really believe that?”

I asked him, “But what about that time he came to church and I got a picture with him! Tell me he is not real then!”

“That was a man acting as Santa.” My father told me.

So Santa, I thought about it a lot, I’m not sure what to believe. Doesn’t Christmas celebrate the birth of Christ? How could Christians like my father lead me and many others to believe in Santa, the one who makes us so happy, and lie to us our whole lives, but still call themselves Christians? Isn’t one of the 10 commandments, the commandments Christians live their lives by, “Thou shall not lie”?” I wrote this letter to ask Santa himself, Are you real? ‘Cause if you’re not, I’m worried my dad might tell me next week that God isn’t real either. So if you know his address, send it to me, along with a detailed message telling my dad he is wrong.


I think….




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