Elizabeth W.

One Wish

When I was younger I made a wish,
Just one,
That I could fly
And touch the sky;
But now I’m older and I know just this:
Dreams don’t come true.
I hope I can have you.
I’m alone in my little world,
Cut off from people by a self-built cage,
Rattling the bars.
The newspaper lining the bottom is brittle and aged,
And I wish that you would come save me,
Save me from my harsh reality,
Come save me from myself.
I’m on the inside looking out,
Always looking out,
Always looking for a way out.
When I was younger I made a wish,
Just one,
That I could fly
And touch the sky;
But now I’m older and I know just this:
Dreams don’t come true.
I don’t have you.
Help me.
Free me.
Rescue me please,
From this battered cage I’m stuck in.
Help me.
Free me from my closed off world.
Save me from myself.
Help me make my dream come true.
Make the bars around me melt,
As I melt around you.
You are my dream come true.
When I was younger I made a wish,
Just one,
That I could fly
And touch the sky;
But now I’m older and I know just this:
Dreams don’t come true.
I will never have you.
I’m stuck in my cage alone,
By myself,
With its yellowed paper,
And its cold unyielding bars.
I hope that you could come save me,
From the cage I’ve locked myself in.
I’ve lost the key,
And it’s gone,
Never to return,
Just like me.


Copyright © 2002-2006 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2006 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.